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Photo of Jose María Pérez Pérez Spain

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Born in Tudela (Navarra) in 1959. Lives and works for more than 25 years in Zaragoza. Since childhood he felt great interest in drawing, scribbling whatever role fell into his hands, and yet came rather late (after more than 25 years) the discovery of COLOR. ARTISTIC TRAINING - Training largely self-taught. - Ludmila painting studio Navarro and Pilar Catalán (grades 86-87). - Courses of Engraving Maite Ubide Panticosa...

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Born in Tudela (Navarra) in 1959. Lives and works for more than 25 years in Zaragoza. Since childhood he felt great interest in drawing, scribbling whatever role fell into his hands, and yet came rather late (after more than 25 years) the discovery of COLOR. ARTISTIC TRAINING - Training largely self-taught. - Ludmila painting studio Navarro and Pilar Catalán (grades 86-87). - Courses of Engraving Maite Ubide Panticosa (Summer 89 and 90) EXHIBITIONS AND COMPETITIONS - Solo exhibition of oil paintings at Cafe Tango ZARAGOZA October 1987 - Solo exhibition at Arista Pub ZARAGOZA 1988 - Exhibition of Monotypes "Adventures and misadventures of a gatorinoceronte" in Exhibition Hall of the Faculty of Arts ZARAGOZA September 1990 - Individual Exhibition of Paintings in bar OPHICUS ZARAGOZA November 2002 / February 2004. - Group Exhibition of Painting Competition Valdealgorfa March 2007 - 2nd Prize in the Sixth Edition of Painting Utebo October 2007 - Group exhibition of painting competition Almudevar April 2008 "exposition of Paintings and Prints" The stories they told us "in the Cultural Center and Library Almozara May 2008 Collective Exhibition-Competition and Rake Federico Ozana November 2008 - Exhibition "The stories they told me" Torrero Municipal Library in November 2008 - Selected to Bodegas Painting Competition XIV of Echaide Malon Cascante (Navarre) December 2008. Exhibition of Prints in Antigua Café in February 2009. Exhibition of Prints "Small Stories" Calamus Bookstore Zaragoza Actur April to June 2009. Solo Exhibition Paintings and Prints at Sala Belchite Belia May 2009. Selected in the XXII Francisco Pradilla Painting Competition held in Villanueva de Gallego (Zaragoza) in May 2009. Exhibition of paintings at Café Astoria in June 2009. Selected in the Arts Contest XI "José Lapayese" Study Center Jiloca June 2009. Selected in the Painting Prize XV Echaide Malon de Cascante (Navarre) December 2009

OTHER INFORMATION OF INTEREST - Participation in Youth Comics Area of the City of Zaragoza 1985. - Poster Design VII National Congress of Autism SALAMANCA 24 to 27 November 1993

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